TNT Award - shortlist

The author, Leo Buscaglia, once said "too often we underestimate the importance of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring – all of which has the potential to turn a life around".
We agree.
Often the biggest impacts are made by the smallest actions, hence the TNT or Tiny Noticeable Things’ award for a project or person that has embodied this sentiment
1 Anne Robson Trust read their work about end of life care "A hand to hold. A listening ear.These simple things become invaluable in the final hours of life HERE and HERE
2. Jayne Potter Salford Royal Dining Companions HERE
3. Saffron Gee - ULHT and you can find her Ward Leaders Handbook HERE
4 Donna Little Wiltshire Health - her continuing work on Falls prevention HERE
5. Northern Care Alliance NHS Group - Dining Companions HERE
6. East and North Hertfordshire NHST -for their work on the early identification of carer HERE
4Candles Award - shortlist

The 2 Ronnies, featuring Ronnie Corbett and Ronnie Barker, first broadcast their ‘4 Candles’ sketch in 1976. It features a shopkeeper, played by Ronnie Corbett, becoming increasingly frustrated by a customer, played by Ronnie Barker, because he continuously misunderstands what he is requesting.
If your project has relied on an ability to listen and respond to feedback from any source, then the 4 Candles award could be yours!
1 Jennie Negus ULHT - Patient Panel and Care Partners
2 Kent Community Health NHS FT - Bladder Diary used by Community Nursing Teams HERE
3. MPFT - Three key steps to achieving transformative care across our younger stroke population. Stop think and listen
4 East and North Hertfordshire NHST - Improving safety post ED discharge HERE
5. East and North Hertfordshire NHST work on a deteriorating patient QIP
6 PAHT - co-design malnutrition out of the system,identifying what matters to patients & families in looking after their hospital nutritional needs
Penguin Award - shortlist

Sometimes a problem or issue is too challenging or substantial to be overcome by just 1 person.
Penguins have known this and demonstrate the most extraordinary teamwork so as to protect themselves from adversity – from forming dense gravity-centric groups to defeat the worst of an Antarctic winter to combining with effortless grace and coordination to outwit a prowling killer whale.
You decide whether your team has delivered something worthy of the Penguin Teamship Award!
1 UHMBT and Southampton “ready to go Framework’ Improving the transition of young people to adult-services
2 Somerset NHS FT How a ttt model has enabled safe delivery of clinical skills and competency assessment to social care and how the spread of a ttt-project improved care safety and experience
3 We are UHMBT QI Team QI Training to Improve the Fundamentals of Care
4 Same Day Emergency Care in-reach team , East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust - Same day in-reach team improve patient flow
5 Airedale NHS FT -The development of a one-stop web portal to integrated information and intelligence .
6 The Kendal Integrated Care Community (KICC) team the inception and growth of Kendal lunch bunch
Hartley Larkin Award - shortlist

On the night of May 7th 1765 Hartley Larkin, a dockyard foreman at Chatham marine docks was deeply troubled. HMS Victory was to be launched the next morning in a fanfare ceremony and he had just had a terrible thought. Victory was 9.5 inches wider than the dock exit. Acting entirely on initiative, he convened a gathering of shipwrights and carpenters who set to work cutting away the docks timbers.
Victory launched on time, squeezing through the narrowest gap. Larkin and his team, quite simply, had done what needed to be done. If this has resonated with you via the parallels with your recent project, then a fanfare could be yours!
1 The Southampton Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) service family intervention uptake benefits from QI
2. ECIST- National reconditioning games and Reconditioning the nation with move it or lose it
3 Walsall Healthcare NHST The ask earl project
4 Leicester City and North Staffordshire Unscheduled care Coordination Community based unscheduled care coordination
5 East and North Hertfordshire NHST Reducing hba1c related cancellations for surgery in pre-op assessment
6 Kent Community Health NHS FT virtual wards are business as usual creating and expanding integrated teams to provide acute level care at home
5127 Award

Absolutely committed. Fiercely determined. Brim-full of self-belief. Refusing to compromise. Dedicated to perfection. If you win the 5127 award you will have demonstrated all of these attributes.
5127 refers to the number of prototypes that Sir James Dyson developed before finally marketing his first Dyson ‘Cyclone’ vacuum cleaner.
If you have seen a project through from start to finish, hurdled obstacles, converted nay-sayers and delivered ultimate success, then you might be in the running
1 PAHT Digital Solutions three ways of documenting care to one digital solution
2 Somerset NHS FT QI Evidence Monthly updates over 15,000 unique page views in last 12 months
and QI essential reading list induction materials Andrea Gibbons and Jessica Pawley
3 Hep C U Developing a toolkit to support Hepatitis C elimination in England and Hep C U later stigma toolkit
5. Falls Prevention Service -Birmingham Community Healthcare NHSFT Falls prevention video shows the simple things that reduce falls
6. PAHT Cancer frailty service
Rosa Parks Award

On December 1st 1955, Rosa Parks, a 42 year old African American woman who worked as a seamstress, boarded a bus in Montgomery City, Alabama and took a seat in the row behind the 10 seats at the front reserved for white people.
Soon all of the seats in the bus were filled and when a white man entered the bus the driver (following standard practice) insisted that Rosa and her 3 other black passengers just behind the white section give up their seats in order to accommodate him. Her 3 fellow travellers complied.
Rosa Parks did not – and fuelled a civil rights movement. If you have been brave enough to reject mindless conformity and find a new, inspiring and effective means of doing something, then this award is for you.
1 Somerset NHS FT Social Care Training Team Learning care skills from the social care training team helped Gary stay at home longer
2 Cheshire and Merseyside NHS ICB Putting people - first health equity in action
3 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHSFT Patients become pioneers for quality improvement
4 Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust - CHESS - you can read about it HERE
5 PAHT Compassionate care with Namaste volunteers
6 Donna Little Wiltshire Health The benefits of patient diaries in a rehab setting
To reflect the changes within quality improvement over time, not a single day or end point, we have taken onboard your thoughts and comments and renamed 2 established awards FabChangeDay Organisation and FabChangeDay individual - and these now become Fab QI Team and Fab QI Individual:
FabQI Team Award
Recognises the QI team, that despite the challenges and pressures of work, continue to empower, encourage and support colleagues to make positive changes to services, patients and staff.
1 East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Continuous Quality Improvement Team
You can find much of their submitted work HERE
2 Kent QI - For introducing us to Flashes of Brilliance , Projects on a Page and Case studies
3 Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust WeLearn and we share
4 ECIST Team -
5 PAHT Quality First Team - sharing learning, top tips and so much more
6. The Royal Wolverhampton NHST Making 'no going back' a reality - turning adversity to advantage
FabQI Individual Award
This award recognises an individual, who has supported others, informed, empowered others and has made positive stuff happen directly due to their own passion and work.
1 The inseparable dynamic duo that is Andrea Gibbons and Jessica Pawley QI Evidence Monthly updates
2 Faith O’Donoghue Deteriorating patients QIP
3 Sara Silva , Annie Joseph ITU / HDU resource pack for temporary-staff
4 Vanda Carter The Experiences and Perceptions of Newly Qualified Nurses in the UK: An Integrative Literature Review FabTalks series 1 host - Fabtalks with-Nichole McIntosh for supporting, promoting and encouraging others by her positive sharing example
5 Cristian Figueredo Martinez Improving patients QoL using the malnutrition universal screening tool
6 Joan Pons Laplana NdNursesUk-promoting change and inclusivity