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Browse our FabCollections HEREDo you have a service challenge that you want to address? Making services better is the main reason people browse on the website.
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Don't let anyone tell you that what you do is 'small fry', 'doesn't matter' and can't solve the myriad of problems in the NHS and Social Care.
Remember it's the aggregation of marginal gains that do make a difference. And you, well you have the power to make a difference to peoples lives everyday. I saw this on twitter -'positive people are 31% more productive' - I can't give you the evidence base behind this claim, but I'm not sure that matters - because if we believe our positivity makes a difference, it will!
Work is busy and we take for granted that what 'we do' and the solutions we have found to deliver better care is the norm. Well its not!
That's why its important to share the fab stuff that your team do, not just because its fab, but because others can benefit from your work.
BLONDE - is most certainly a state of mind not a haircolour!
Many QI teams are sharing work and building quite a library of resources and evidence - why don't you give it a go?
The link button below shows you the collection that the Quality First team at PAHT have built up.
People search on Academy of Fabulous Stuff for lots of reasons. Making services better is the main one. You can search without an account, but what are you missing?! Join us and you can comment, while seeing a personalised website relevant to you. Let us transform services, together.