2018 Awards

Fab Award Categories

The Fab Awards are no ordinary awards. We set out to reward and recognise fab people and teams bringing great innovation and best practice to the NHS. Our award categories reflect the fab work involved – read about them below.

FabChange70 Individual

Awards category FabChange70 Individual

Sponsored by IMS Maxims

The FabChange70 Champion Individual award will be presented to the the individual  whose energy, leadership and vision has single-handedly made a difference in inspiring and empowering colleagues that they work with to work together to  put their ideas into action and make a difference.

Leeanne Lockley

FabChange70 Organisation

Awards category FabChange70 Organisation

Sponsored by IMS Maxims

The FabChange70 Champion Organisation award will be presented to the Trust or organisation whose energy, leadership and vision has empowered staff to put their ideas into action and have embedded QI as ‘the norm’ throughout their organisation.

The Princess Alexandra Hospital, NHS Trust, Harlow

The Piccalilley Award

Awards category The Piccalilley Award

Each week Roy and Terri choose a Piccalilley, the share from that week that has particularly resonated with them. At the awards we will announce our overall Piccalilley.

Mathew Little

Anne Robson Trust

Mary Poppins Award Shortlist

Awards category Mary Poppins Award Shortlist

Sponsored by NHSE Public Health

Widnes Vikings and the Game Changer programme


Mental Health Resources - Coping with Life - Rachel Symons

LIFE Centre - Learning Inspirations for Future Employment - Lancashire

4 Candles Award Shortlist

Awards category 4 Candles Award Shortlist

Sponsored by IMS Maxims

Pop up Bedrooms - Derby Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust

Because we're all human: A Just Culture . Mersey Care's,

Pyjamas making a difference in EOLC - Jules Lewis SaTH

Alison Brindle #TheatreCapChallenge -  Lancashire Teaching Hospitals,

Transformation by Social Media  - The Better Births team in Lincolnshire

Rosa Parks Award Shortlist

Awards category Rosa Parks Award Shortlist

Sponsored by Liaison

Dementia Care Tool 2 – Music Ignar Rip

"The Bluebell Room" within the Emergency Department - Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust , Natalie Bradbury

Praise for apprenticeship success - Oakfield High School & College partnered with Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, AQuA

Staff Debrief ToolKit - End of Life Care Team at the University Hospital Derby and Burton Foundation Trust.

People of Kendal supporting their own health and wellbeing - Cara Stride 

TNT Award Shortlist

Awards category TNT Award Shortlist

Sponsored by Newton

EOL Swan Scheme. United Lincolnshire Hospitals

End of life care message card - the little things are the big things - Jules Lewis  and the EOLC Team at SaTH

No email Wednesday - Jules Lewis SaTH

Light The Night Project.  - Carla Golding

Health & Hustle - Gloucestershire NHS Health & Social Care Staff getting Active

Penguin Award Shortlist

Awards category Penguin Award Shortlist

Sponsored by IHM

The Activity Academy - Widnes Vikings , Community Integrated Care and NHS Halton CCG and Halton Borough Council.  

Beat the Scrum - Widnes Vikings 

Naso-Gastric rapid review - United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Occupational Therapists improving pathways for patients - Cumbria ICC

Standardising handovers to improve ambulance turnaround times (ATT)East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS)  Nottingham University Hospitals

Hartley Larkin Award Shortlist

Awards category Hartley Larkin Award Shortlist

Sponsored by Deloitte

Expanding End of Life Care Project - Ellen Soutter and Rachael Lambe

Royal United Hospitals Bath - Falls Rapid Response Service

Outcome data from Macmillan Neuro-oncology Rehab Service - Barts Health

Clinical Coding Orange Dot scheme - University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust


5127 Award Shortlist

Awards category 5127 Award Shortlist

Sponsored by Cerner

Frailty Flying Squad - Royal United Hospital Bath

Scheduled on Time Departure from Hospital - Dr Gordon Caldwell

Bridging the Gap – a truly integrated approach to Frequent Flyers within Unscheduled Care Services .

The street car revolution - Mersey Care

Nottingham City - Hospital to Home Project - NottinghamCityHomes

A big thank you to our FabAwards 2018 sponsors:

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