Patients become pioneers for Quality Improvement!

Patients become pioneers for Quality Improvement! featured image


A group of patients at Arnold Lodge (Medium Secure Unit) , Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, have redesigned the Trust’s 2 hour Bronze Quality Improvement Training with members of the QI team facilitating the sessions. The patients have now developed their own Bronze Quality Improvement Training package for patients and are looking forward to co-delivering the Training to patients and staff at Arnold Lodge!


The QI team delivered the QI Bronze training to the patient group in sections, to build the patients’ understanding of QI and the Model for Improvement framework. The patient group were not just incredibly successful in understanding the material, but they were meticulous in redesigning its content to meet the needs of both them and their peers. There was particular interest and expertise in the scoping and implementing change ideas when working through the 5 stages of project management.

“it enables me and other patients to have a say in and help our treatment pathway and quality of life for the better”.

This training aims to build understanding of QI for patients and what tools and techniques can be used when engaging in a QI Project.

This fantastic work will now inform and support further work across other areas of the Trust in QI training for patients, service users/carers.

Why QI for patients?

Quality improvement projects are specific pieces of work that aim to deliver better care outcomes for patients. However, patient engagement is often not captured throughout this process when aiming to understand an issue and implementing change.

The Involvement, Experience and Volunteering Lead for Forensics identified that there was a need to do more involvement in QI projects across the Forensic Care Group and a training package was needed, to aid patient involvement. Arnold Lodge were leading the way with QI projects and asked their patients and the Trust’s QI Team to support the co-production of the QI Bronze for patients via their Recovery College.

One patient said “this training is very important and will help patients and staff improving services – and it helps to build therapeutic activities”

We believe this is the first co-produced quality improvement training package for patients, especially in a forensic healthcare setting.

Next Steps

To practice their learning, the patients at Arnold Lodge have now kicked off their own Quality Improvement project to improve the frequency of field trips.

During this project, the patients will learn to use build their confidence in using the QI methodology that they have learnt including testing changes, measuring their data and agreeing a SMART aim!

The patients will also be piloting co-delivering the QI Bronze training package with the Trust's Involvement Lead and the QI Team through the Recovery College Framework.

If you are interested in learning more about the Bronze QI Training for Patients (developed by Patients) please get in touch

Wendy Walder [email protected]

  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > QI
  • co-production
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