FAB Team

The Academy started on Valentine’s Day 2015 and since then there have been over half a million page views of the fabulous stuff people have shared, showing us what they are doing at the front line, in the board rooms, the community and primary care. More recently we have joined with social care to bring together the work they are doing in partnership with the NHS. We are also featuring the work of the Vanguards and ECIST and expect to do much more soon.

Roy Lilley has been in and around the NHS since 1974 and feels lucky to still be involved. An excoriating critic of the NHS and its institutions but with his last breath, a fan of the patient facing front-line of healthcare and the anonymous people who manage the services. He visits well over 50 NHS services every year, speaks at 100+ events and meetings and conferences and writes and broadcasts about the health service in e-letters, newspapers, magazines and on TV and (as he insists on describing it) the wireless.He is in the Debrett’s 500 list of the most influential people in England. A writer, artist musician and magician he fits his hobbies around the day job and says, the ‘day job’ is his hobby. The Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff has been his dream and is now a reality. He might put his feet up and enjoy a cuppa-builder’s and a Hobnob. On the other hand he might turn up to look at your ‘fabulous stuff’. More details here
Roy Lilley Avatar

Roy Lilley

Terri is co- founder and Director of the Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff. For the last 10 years she has provided the day to day sharing best practice activities of the Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff! Terri's background is nursing and she was a ward sister at St. Marks Hospital before joining the Homerton University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in 1991 as a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Stoma Care. Terri worked at the Homerton as a Nurse Consultant and was Clinical Director of the North East London Bowel Cancer Screening Centre. She has co-edited two textbooks and published extensively in medical Colorectal and nursing Gastrointestinal Journals. Terri joined Coloplast in 2011 and in her role as Head of Education, Ostomy Division, develops professional support and education programmes for specialist nurses. Terri was involved in the development of www.apollonursingresource.com, an online resource to enable specialist nurses to articulate the value of their role and amplify the voice of specialist nurses. In 2013 Terri was recognised in the Nursing Times Nursing Leaders list as a ‘real champion for colorectal nursing and specialist nursing in general’. After a decade' of Fab, best practice remains Terri's passion both within her clinical work but also more widely via Fab. What will the next decade have in store .................
Dr Terri Porrett PhD, MSc, RN Avatar

Dr Terri Porrett PhD, MSc, RN

Speed Agency is the official creative and digital partner of Fab the Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff. At Speed, we believe in the combined power of creativity and technology to innovate user experiences, creating brand engagement at every touchpoint in order to stay ahead. Specialists in the finance, medical, recruitment and education sectors, we have worked across the medical sector for over 10 years; developing product brands for device manufacturers, Apps to support care workers, creating recruitment campaigns, designing Report and Accounts for hospitals and creating sales materials and building websites for a range of medical companies. We are proud to working with Terri, Roy and John and supporting the important and innovative work they do. We take care of the everything, from the basics to the staggering complex, fusing creativity with technology, insight to outcome. 100% independent, local or global. For us it’s personal, it’s friendly, it’s mutual, it’s about ideas that work, at the right time in the right place. It’s about collaboration at speed.
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Speed Agency

As the leader of the pack I lead by example. I care about the Speedsters and their development, I’ve instilled a culture of confidence and I’m relentless in making Speed a truly inspiring place to work. I’m passionate about brand strategy, new tech, a great customer experience, integrated thinking and of course beautiful design. I’m business minded. I get that the days of having unlimited time are behind us… In today’s marketplace we need to think fast, be integrated, prove returns on investment and move quickly otherwise you’ll soon be out of touch I’m fascinated by the medical sector and the innovations that come out of it. My mum was a nurse so I think I’ll always have an interest in what’s going in. It’s exciting to be working with Fab, their energy and commitment is contagious!
David Dews Avatar

David Dews

As Client Services Director and with over 15 years’ experience in London agencies, I thrive on bringing strategic business and marketing knowledge to projects to help determine branding and communication requirements and ensure all deliverables are appropriate and effective, whether for a B2B or B2C audience, online or offline. I’ve led projects and campaigns for Sony, Cable & Wireless, the Department of Health, The Fairtrade Foundation launching their “Make Fairtrade Mainstream” campaign. As well as an integrated campaign to raise awareness of the rights of disabled young people on public transport for the Department of Transport, which demonstrated an increase in traveling confidence of 25%. I love getting results and seeing things work and improve, so working with Terri and the Fab Academy is truly inspiring.
Jo Thacker Avatar

Jo Thacker

Hello my name is Dani and I am the ‘Fab Facilitator’ for the Academy of Fabulous NHS Stuff. Dani is a qualified Nurse with 8 years experience within ITU & Community Nursing, now she works on a local trusts bank, where she works throughout the hospital, learning new skills and meeting many fabulous people along the way. Since being a student, I have loved all things NHS; my passion is listening to patients & ensuring they are involved every step of the way through innovation & the development of new services. I began my journey as a Fab Ambassador in 2016 and since then, have loved every minute of networking with people I never thought I would get to meet. I has been involved in many innovation projects & I learn something new every time; Fab is a great network to be a part of when trying to achieve something you have never done before or need a little morale boast.
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Dani Gillet

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Shane Tickell

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