Reconnect, Recharge, Rebuild, Renewal
What’s #FabChanges22to23 all about?
This year we need to be mindful of the pressures & challenges of the last two years alongside the waiting list pressures & workforce challenges that lie ahead.
We also need to recognise that a focus on a single day once a year, doesn’t fit well with QI improvement models or with the seasonal challenges faced by the NHS & Social care.
What’s the difference with #FabChanges22to23? We are going back to the beginning & starting with a pledge - but rather than a focus on one specific day each year, we will have 4 stages & modules of activity supporting change, reflecting the four seasons of the year & allowing time to plan change activity within organisational challenges. Every individual, organisation & department is at a different point in their quality improvement & sharing journey.
The focus for the first module #FabChanges22to23 is on reconnecting and recharging - that’s why this module launches on the 4th July, the week of the NHS’s birthday – there couldn’t be a more appropriate time to reconnect with peers, colleagues & teams, a time to say thank you, a time to recharge your QI focus & pledge how you’re going to make a change in the coming year.