It’s Dying Matters Week this week 8th -14th May so I wanted to update my pledge for fab changes 2023.
Kind language in end of life & bereavement care.
At SaTH we have been busy sharing kind language/words for staff to consider that are kinder for the person who’s loved one is dying or has died.
I lead a small team of nurses & an admin assistant and we have worked together to encourage staff to use kinder words.
We have designed & our getting feedback on a pocket sized card with words to consider & words to avoid. This has been shared at training sessions, the compassionate staff bereavement support steering group & our dying matters events, feedback is good so the next steps will be to put on colour paper & get approved. It can be produced in house so the only cost is our time & paper, the positive outcomes are huge.
Dying matters, language/words used matter, please use kind language to support those at the hardest of times, we have one chance to get it right.
Thank you Jules Swan EOLC Lead Nurse, Penny Swan EOLC Admin Assistant, Deb Swan Swan EOLC Specialist Nurse, Miriam Swan EOLC Specialist Nurse , Jules Lock Swan EOLC Lead Volunteer (Swan Team at SaTH)