Happy New Year
#FabChanges22to23 is a year long event and came about to reflect the challenges faced within health and social care and to acknowledge that QI and positive change does'nt happen in just one day.
So we went back to the beginning & started with a pledge - with 4 stages & modules of activity supporting change, reflecting the four seasons of the year & allowing time to plan change activity within organisational challenges. We have received many of your pledges and you can find them HERE
In this New Year our focus in Module 3 is on helping you to complete your pledge (or other service improvements or QI projects) and then in Q4 sharing them on the website - with the #FabChanges22to23 cycle completing in late spring/early summer with a sharing event and awards show!
2023 Jan/Feb/March – how’s your change going? how can we help? Rebuilding - its important that we understand the context in which you are all working, which is why being NIGE is just fine right now.
So let us know how you are getting on and we can support you to complete your pledge, project or service improvement, No idea pledge or outcome is too small or irrelevant. Contact us HERE and we will help.

Then in April/May/June – sharing you pledge outcomes & learnings to encourage adoption & spread by celebrating the work of you & your organisation. Renewal- a day long conference, sharing best practice and a celebration of our award winners - you are absolutely going to want to have your ticket for this event.