FabAwards23 TNT Finalists

FabAwards23 TNT Finalists featured image

This year we are thrilled to announce that TAP  are sponsoring this years TNT Award. 

TAP (Thank And Praise) is a unique social thanking platform which enables people to send messages of thanks and appreciation to keyworkers quickly, easily and securely.   

You can download the mobile app HERE

The author, Leo Buscaglia, once said "too often we underestimate the importance of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring – all of which has the potential to turn a life around".

We agree.

Often the biggest impacts are made by the smallest actions, hence the TNT or Tiny Noticeable Things’ award for a project or person that has embodied this sentiment

1  Anne Robson Trust read their work about end of life care "A hand to hold. A listening ear. These simple things become invaluable in the final hours of life HERE and HERE

2. Jayne Potter Salford Royal Dining Companions HERE

3. Saffron Gee - ULHT and you can find her Ward Leaders Handbook HERE

4. Donna Little Wiltshire Health - her continuing work on Falls prevention HERE

5. Northern Care Alliance NHS Group - Dining Companions HERE

6. East and North Hertfordshire NHST -for their work on the early identification of carer HERE

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