Fab Awards Highly Commended and Winners

Fab Awards Highly Commended and Winners featured image

TNT award

Winner Anne Robson Trust  

Highly Commended East and North Hertfordshire NHST -for their work on the early identification of carer

Rosa Parks

Winner. Somerset NHS FT Social Care Training Team Teaching care skills to relatives to enable family to remain at home longer

Highly commended Donna Little Wiltshire Health The benefits of patient diaries in a rehab setting

Penguin Award

Winner Same Day Emergency Care in-reach team , East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust - same day in-reach team improve patient flow

Highly commended Somerset NHS FT How a ttt model has enabled safe delivery of clinical skills and competency assessment to social care and how the spread of a ttt-project improved care safety and experience

Hartley Larkin

Winner East and North Hertfordshire NHST Reducing hba1c related cancellations for surgery in pre-op assessment

Highly commended Kent Community Health NHS FT virtual wards are business as usual creating and expanding integrated teams to provide acute level care at home

5127 Award

Winner  Falls Prevention Service -Birmingham Community Healthcare NHSFT Falls prevention video shows the simple things that reduce falls

Highly Commended PAHT Cancer frailty service

4 Candles

Winner PAHT - co-design malnutrition out of the system,identifying what matters to patients & families in looking after their hospital nutritional needs

Highly Commended East and North Hertfordshire NHST work on a deteriorating patient QIP

Fab Individual

Winner Cristian Figueredo Martinez Improving patients QoL using the malnutrition universal screening tool

Highly Commended Faith O’Donoghue Deteriorating patients QIP

Fab QI Team

Winner East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust Continuous Quality Improvement Team You can find much of their submitted work HERE

Highly commended The Royal Wolverhampton NHST Making 'no going back' a reality - turning adversity to advantage

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