Staff Bereavement Support - OWEN staff bereavement safe space

Staff Bereavement Support - OWEN staff bereavement safe space featured image

Staff often need time and space to have support following a personal bereavement or if affected by a colleague / patient death. 

There is no current designated room / space in which to give this support, meaning that conversations are sometimes held in inappropriate spaces which is not conducive to giving needed support.  

After discussions and meetings an appropriate space was found.  Paul Lewis SECC Facilities Manager gave approval to use a room in SECC. A SaTH Charity funding bid was placed and  approved which allowed  furniture for the room to be purchased.

We wanted this room to be in memory of a lady named Joan Owen who died during the pandemic in 2020.  A plaque has been created in her memory. Joan’s Son in-law Shane, a friend of Jules, has been a real supporter of this work and is part of the Academy of Fabulous Stuff Team who celebrate their 10th Birthday on February 14th 2025.   

OWEN Stands for –




New Beginnings

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  • Community Services
  • Community Services > EOL care
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