Jules Lewis


Jules has 29 years Nursing experience within the NHS this includes Spinal Injuries nursing, voluntary role as Team GB Wheelchair Rugby nurse escort, Moving and Handling Advisory, Specialist Community Nurse, End of Life Care Co-ordinator, LCP Co-ordinator, Community and Care Co-ordinator Project Manager Shropshire CCG, Bank Nurse for the Severn Hospice, voluntary role within the MNDA Shropshire Branch & Fab Ambassador for The Academy of Fab Stuff.

She is currently working within SaTH as End of Life Care Facilitator / Lead Nurse post with an overall outcome to make quality improvements in the provision of end of life care.

Jules feels very fortunate to be in a specialist role where she can influence change within end of life care, through inspiring people to want to change and have innovative ideas of improvements which enable us to deliver good & excellent end of life care & support to patients, their family and carers. We have one chance to get it right, for every person, every time.

We have one chance to get it right for every patient every time

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