Pulmonary Rehabilitation Awareness Week UK and All Ireland 2025

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Awareness Week UK and All Ireland 2025 featured image

IDEAS to raise awareness. for Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week UK and All Ireland June 16-20, 2025

1 Poster about PR in pharmacies, invite your pharmacy teams to an online meeting & explain the benefits of PR have a patient with you.

2 Add a QR code to your PR referral form link it to a PR video

3 Screen saver at the hospital about PR, with a QR code to your PR video

4 Videos of PR in GP surgeries, Pharmacy & hospital TV systems.

5 Recruit patient volunteers who have completed PR

6 Set up a stall, carryout a meet and greet in the entrances to the following supermarkets, low referring GP surgeries, Hospital Restaurants, Hospitals Entrances. Respiratory departments, bingo halls, football stadiums, social services offices, leisure centres, town halls, Job centres social clubs,

7 Send a Press release to local media about PR, you can access the PR template press release drop box HERE

8 PR patient champions in the media sharing their story about PR.

9 Live PR sessions on TV, Radio interview about PR, Produce a video about how PR benefits patients.

10 Patients post a message on social media, about how PR helped them.

11 Invite your local:

Mayor, Councillors, MP, Chief Executive of health services, Integrated Care System, Health Service Board, HE Trust Board members, to open PR session

12 Arrange an online meeting with your local hospital discharge team to explain PR.

13 Activity challenges for staff and patients (climbed Everest) virtual walks, sit to stand, step challenges.

14 Invite your Respiratory Consultants to try a pulmonary rehab session.

UHDB Consultants take part in Pulmonary Rehabilitation class at London Road Community Hospital

15 Target the lowest refers or non refers to PR.

16 Prize giving ceremony for the top local referrer to PR.

17 Can your PR patients who have completed PR do an online Question and .

18 Follow our YouTube channel Pulmonary Rehab Awareness

19 Invite potential refers to an online meeting Zoom or Microsoft teams meeting Explain the benefits of PR

20 Find out from your local patients where you need to advertise PR

21 Can your patients who have completed PR do an online Question and Answer session for university pre-registration health care students, explaining how they benefited from PR. Send this video link to university course leads. Jody Bryant Associate Professor GIVING STUDENTS A UNIQUE INSIGHT Pulmonary Rehab Awareness

22 Put a ring on it, ring fence time advertise the benefits of PR

23 Invite to an online meeting, practice nurses, GPs, lung transplant team, frailty team and explain the benefits of PR, have a patient with you

24 invite potential refers to (question) patients who have completed PR about the benefits of PR

25 Invite your local social workers and social prescribers to an online meeting explain the existence & benefits of PR.

26 Plan a local pulmonary rehab exercise flash mob for PR WEEK

27 Low referrals Offer observation only session to patients who would benefit from before they do the pre-PR exercise assessment.

28 Explain the ability of PR to free up hospital bed space to your local 👉Hospital 👉Health Board 👉 Integrated Care Board 👉Health Trust 👉 Hospital discharge Team, 👉HSE 👉

PR reduces time spent in a hospital bed by 4:8 days if completed video

You can read and download the ideas-to-raise-awareness.docx and you can download and use this QR code  for your leaflets  QR-code-about-pulmonary-rehabilitation.docx

  • Acute
  • Acute > Patient Empowerment
  • Acute > Patient Experience
  • Acute > Patient Safety
  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > QI
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