What’s Healthy Liverpool all about? Well essentially its what it says on the tin, everyone from NHS Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) working together to improve the health in Liverpool and ensure the very best health services for the future. The CCG is leading Healthy Liverpool to transform health in the city.
Their goal is to create a health care system that:
- works around each individual’s needs
- supports people to stay well
- provides the very best in care, now and for the future
- Liverpool people experience poorer health than the rest of the UK and we want to stop that being the case
- In different parts of Liverpool people experience very different health, quality of life and length of life - we want to end these inequalities
- Liverpool’s population is getting older and this is creating new challenges for health services – we want to support healthy ageing
- Lifestyle trends are increasing the risk of ill health, increasing demands on services – we want to enable and support people to Live Well
- There are differences in care across Liverpool both in how easy it is to see the right professional and in the quality of care when you do. We want a consistently high quality of service for everyone
- We want to get the right mix of hospitals, community health facilities and NHS staff across the system to meet the needs of the city now and for the next generation
- There are new techniques, approaches and technologies that we want to take advantage of to improve health and care
What might Healthy Liverpool Involve Then? These are just a selection of some of the areas they are working on- 1. Living Well - how we support and empower more people to care for their health / enjoy the best health they can and have a good quality of life, including a. Enabling people to live well and prevent ill health b. Supporting people to value daily physical activity and increase the proportion of people who are physically active c. Supporting people to stop smoking and reduce alcohol intake
2. Community Services – ensuring that care outside of hospitals is really joined up around the needs and wishes of the individual person and puts them in control. a. Empowering and supporting people to take control of their own and their family’s health and wellbeing b. Making sure local community, health, social care and voluntary sector partners work together to enable communities to prevent ill health and improve health c. Making it easier to see a GP or other health professional for check-ups, tests or treatment near where you live d. Creating local teams across health and social care who work together to support people and are responsive to individual’s needs e. GPs being pro-active to identify people at risk of illness and developing long term health conditions to support them to stay well f. GPs and their teams pro-actively supporting and empowering people to manage any health conditions they have so they can stay as well as possible g. GPs and a team of people working locally to provide more of people’s care in their own homes or nearby when they are ill, frail or dying 3. Hospital Services - Liverpool has a unique mix of good hospitals – we want the skills and facilities across the system to be co-ordinated in the way that achieves the very best in care. We want to a. Improve clinical quality so patients have the best results from their care b. Deliver consistently good care 7 days a week c. Ensure patients’ experience of care is excellent d. Reduce duplication of health care services e. Ensure the way our hospital services are delivered is clinically & financially sustainable for the next generation
4. Use digital technology to enable and empower individuals to take control of their own health and wellbeing and to ensure professionals have immediate and appropriate access to the information they need to deliver safe and efficient ‘seamless’ care a. Giving patients control of their health records and upholding confidentiality b. Gaining patient consent to share their information across organisations c. With consent, sharing information between health and social care staff so the team of people supporting a patient have the right information when the patient needs them to d. Increasing the use of technology to enable people to care better for themselves and to remain independent for longer
You can watch the video here https://vimeo.com/152546610
You can read more about this initiative here
What a great joined up, co-production initiative - we love this