Our staff are named as health heroes

Our staff are named as health heroes featured image
Several members of staff at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have been named as health heroes.

The Health Heroes Awards, organised by the Lancashire Post, aim to recognise and celebrate excellence in health care; those who have gone above and beyond to improve the health of others.

Rachael Moses, Consultant Physiotherapist at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, has been named the Therapist of the Year for her work to improve the quality of life of patients with tracheostomies (an opening created at the front of the neck to allow a tube to be inserted into the windpipe to aid breathing) in our communities. Rachael is also known to go above and beyond for her patients; having recently organised for a patient to meet his idol Ian Rush and the Liverpool Football Club players as just one example. Rachael said: “I am absolutely thrilled to have won this award, and am particularly excited about the platform it gives to nurses and allied health professionals who have an idea that could make a similar impact.”

Our Chemotherapy Day Case Unit team have won the Caring Team of the Year award. Lisa Nicholson, Chemotherapy Unit Sister, said: “This is an amazing achievement for our staff. We are delighted to be recognised for our contribution to patient care. Our staff have worked very hard over the last twelve months to expand and introduce new services. As a unit we continually strive to improve our services to make our patients hard journey as safe and comfortable as possible.”

Emma Gornall, Delivery Suite Ward Manager, has been named as the Midwife of the Year. Emma has worked tirelessly to make our delivery suite the best that it can be for new mothers and their families. Emma has worked on the better births by co-design project with the Royal College of Midwives to improve engagement with families and staff in order to develop and improve the delivery suite. Emma said: “I am absolutely delighted to have won this award, and am very touched that somebody has gone to the trouble to nominate me.”

Karen Partington, Chief Executive at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said: “How fantastic that so many members of our staff have been nominated and awarded for a health hero award. This is testament to the fantastic work that our staff do on a daily basis; and I am delighted that these individuals are receiving the recognition that they truly deserve.”
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