#FabChanges22to23 - A quick update on how Module 1 pledges have been going
People have been pledging since July and if you havent pledged yet don't worry, you can do this anytime up until January 23. You can find all the pledges HERE
This graphic shows the key themes arising from the pledges
So what is Module 2 all about?
The aim of Module 2 is networking, learning & starting your pledge activity; the theme is Recharging. Our aim, during Module 2, is to support you in your planning & offer practical tips & resources & webinars to empower you in making big or small changes which will improve outcomes for all
We are thrilled to announce The Art of the Possible Festival October 17th to the 21st — a week of online events focused on making good stuff happen
We are putting together a week of webinars, networking sessions, peer support, sharing resources and information that will help you to make your pledge a reality.

We have some Fabulous Guests to help you make the difference you are hoping for. All our guests will be delivering their top tips and key learnings around each of the pledge themes and you will leave each session with a digital postcard signposting you to resources which will help you to achieve your pledge.
All webinars will be free to attend and will be advertised via the website on our Eventbrite channel HERE
Need some help or inspiration?
Get in touch with your local FabAmbassador – they are here to support you to participate in the #FabChanges22to23 activities & they will be able to point you in the right direction, give advice on how to run your own activities locally or how to get involved in programmed events.