I piloted the concept of "New Starter Bags" at the Trust I work in, in November 2019.
Although we did not continue with them after the pilot, I wanted to share the idea as other Trusts may like to do something similar.
The new starter bags aimed to provide a warm welcome to all new staff in the division, in a fun and lighthearted way. The bags were bespoke and handmade and contained a range of little items / trinkets / gems and a note explaining what each one meant (see photo).
The idea was that they would hopefully appeal to most people no matter what age, role, culture or religion and demonstrate one of our core values - kindness. They are adaptable to most services; we are in the process of creating some for a paediatric residential trip for children with cleft lip and palate. They are meant to be a keepsake and hopefully the sentiment will make people smile. The little things are the big things!
Received a wealth of feedback - manly positive, see the quotes below!
“The team will definitely benefit from this positive welcome to their new colleagues. I am sure that the new starter will feel welcomed, valued and that we notice their presence.” Consultant
“I will look forward to giving these out. Good idea” Manager
“Fantastic idea, how lovely for the new staff to feel welcomed” Matron
”This is a lovely idea and I fully endorse it” Clinical Development Nurse
“That’s a lovely idea” Executive Director
This great initiative has been used within ULHT for some time now and you can read about their experience here