Enhanced Falls Management Service

Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Naomi Cummings and Nicola Atkin, Physiotherapists - Nottingham West Care Homes and Falls Lead with the Community Therapy Team

What have we changed?

We have given an enhanced falls management service to residents of 10 care homes in the Nottingham West area, including training of care staff, one to one physiotherapy for residents and starting exercise classes. Have produced an eye-catching poster to empower staff to address falls issues.

We are providing a therapy led service with assessment and treatment. Our regular presence builds relationships with Care staff through training support and guidance in managing falls.

Data collection is possible and maintenance of improvement after therapy occurs with weekly exercise groups

Falls Facts:

Older people who live in Care Homes are 3 times more likely to fall than those living in the community

40% of hospital admissions due to a fall are from Care Homes

10% of falls in Care Homes result in a fracture

Falls are not an inevitable part of ageing

Many falls are preventable

We can contribute to falls risk management with appropriate training and support

Aims of the Enhanced Service in Care Homes:

Increase awareness of the Falls issue and encourage ownership by Care Home staff

Reduce the level of risk and consequently number of falls

Reduce the falls related hospital admissions

How has this benefited service users and / or staff

The rate of falls in the homes has significantly reduced; Service users receive a timely intervention to improve their strength, balance and mobility; Staff feel empowered to identify early risk factors and action to prevent falls; Continuous support advice and guidance to senior care staff; On going training to all care staff; Initial assessment; Evidence based individual exercise treatment over a 12 week period; Maintenance chair based exercise groups to preserve improvement gained in therapy; Data collection and analysis; Development of Multidisciplinary working specifically focused on Care Homes

What are you proud of your Fab Change 19?

It has made an impact on the lives of residents and staff in care homes, it has been recognised as a valuable project and the model is going to be used again in more care homes.

Outcome Measures:

Outcomes are measured in terms of patient safety , with reduced numbers of falls

Patient and Care staff experience via SUCE (questionnaire) and post training feedback

Clinical effectiveness in terms of reducing injurious falls and hospital admissions

Empowerment of senior carer staff in ownership of the falls issue ( 88.6% of the referrals come from Care staff)

What next?

Equity of service, Multi disciplinary working, Managing falls to reduce injurious falls, Reducing hospital admissions, Empowerment of Care staff, Driving up quality of care within Care Homes, Increasing recourses, Delivery of the NWCCG plan

Falls Champion Training to be delivered with NottsCC Optimum, with all the care homes in the Nottingham West area and will continue to monitor data across all the care homes for falls and fractures.


  • Social Care
  • Social Care > Falls prevention
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