Awards shortlisting for innovative organisational development team

Awards shortlisting for innovative organisational development team featured image
A team at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has been nominated for two national awards for excellence in organisational development.

The Leadership and Organisational Development team has been shortlisted for a Healthcare People Management Association award (HPMA) for Excellence in Organisational Development for their creation of a 24 hours in maternity series; which documents what it’s like to work within our maternity department from the views of staff.

The series has been so successful that a second series is being created, which will look inside theatres. Fiona Yates, Leadership and Engagement Advisor at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals said: “We’re thrilled to be shortlisted for this award. We tried to create an innovative and interesting series of films which celebrate the people behind the care and show the sense of team we have here. We wanted to showcase what makes our people special and really capture their personalities. The series is being watched here in Preston and Chorley as well as around the world. We’ve even had people tell us they were inspired to join the organisation by Tricia and Linda who feature in the video. To be recognised at these awards gives us the opportunity to keep getting these films out to more people and keep showcasing our staff. Watch out for series two where we will take you behind the scenes of our theatres teams.”

The team has also been shortlisted for a Health Service Journal (HSJ) award in the category of training and development for supporting members of staff who are considered to be “rising stars” to shine through talent management systems. Mandy Davis, Blended Learning Manager at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, has been leading this project; which provides a workplace that fosters ongoing development for all staff; identifying individual strengths and areas for development, retaining talent and enhancing staff satisfaction. Mandy said: “We are really pleased to have been shortlisted for this fantastic award. This is the result of a tremendous amount of team effort from the whole of the Leadership and Organisational Development team. It’s great for the team but also for the rest of the workforce as it’s recognition of the support and development we are offering to staff who are showing potential and indicating they’re ready for a career move.” “We are one of the only NHS organisations in the North West to offer such a programme for our staff, and have been approached by other organisations to learn about what we have done.”
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