Each of my colleagues in the Quality Directorate completed a one page profile.
Feedback from wider CCG colleagues informed us that these profiles really helped staff new into the organisation get to know us all a little better in advance of meeting with us, helped them remember who each of us were and the specific roles we had e.g. IPC, R&D, Quality, Safeguarding, PALS and Complaints.
As a team we would also use these on our team notice board situated on the main CCG corridor to share information on the work being undertaken by team members at certain points during the year e.g. Sepsis awareness and the role of the IPC team.
I am yet to discuss with my new manager how we can use these within Humber so have not yet developed a new one but the principle is there if anyone wants to use it.
Nicki Sparling
Interim Assistant Director of Nursing, Patient Safety & Quality Assurance