Unscheduled Care Coordination
Unscheduled Care Coordination
An innovative approach to delivering timely, accessible, and sustainable community based unscheduled care.
Every day, a significant number of patients, who are not seriously ill, attend hospital to receive care that they could have received in their normal place of residence.
In cases where the patient is not seriously ill or injured, Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) should take responsibility for coordination the most appropriate response. This needs to happen ‘as the need arises’ whilst the referring clinician is with their patient.

Care coordination hubs, operating at ICS level, can provide real time access to community based unscheduled care services. For care homes, nursing homes, GP's, community-based clinicians, and the ambulance service.
This concept was developed by NHS England’s Emergency Care Improvement Support Team. They are available to support ICS’s or localities to test out the six key principles that underpin the concept.
For further information, please contact [email protected]
The Unscheduled Care Coordination Implementation Guide can be located HERE