What's your story?
In Series Two of FabTalks, you will have the opportunity to listen and engage with our guests.
Our guests might not be the 'usual suspects', may not have Chief, Manager or Director on their job name badge, but they have all changed the face (and thinking) of health and social care.
Within health and social care, we utlise patient stories to learn, grow and improve services and care.
Storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. In this series you will have opportunity to listen to our guests narrative and to understand what motivates and drives them to step out from the crowd, to be the 'positive deviant', to make a difference.
Series Two of FabTalks starts on July 5th , its free to register and attend
Check out our Guests, Dates & Register by clicking on the links below
Gina Sargeant: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fab-talks-with-gina-sargeant-tickets-361626282947
Louise Hansford: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fab-talks-with-louise-hansford-tickets-361641057137
Kenny Gibson: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fab-talks-with-kenny-gibson-tickets-361665219407
Rachel Jury: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fab-talks-with-rachel-jury-tickets-361667054897
Paul Devlin: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fab-talks-with-paul-delvin-tickets-361668158197