A social movement for sharing Health & Social Care Ideas, services and solutions that work

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Fab News Updates

We have an exciting new collaboration

We are thrilled to announce a collaboration with the RCNFoundation - an independent Charity whose purpose is to support and strengthen nursing and midwifery to improve the health and wellbeing of the public.

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Did you know we will be 10 years old soon!

I know it hardly seems possible, but on the 14th Feb 2025 we will be 10 years old

We’d love you to get your thinking caps on and tell us about your favourite memories from the last 10 years – was it a specific share that really impacted on your practice? Was it meeting likeminded people at Fab Events? Maybe an awards show memory or a favourite change day pledge or activity. Your reflections will play a key part in informing the next 10 years. It doesn’t need to be war and peace! Click on the link below and share your memories.

Tell us about your Fab best bits HERE

100 Voices of Change


We need your help with making the recording of this audio book a reality.

Firstly we need you to continue to nominate people who have inspired you with their work improving healthcare.

Secondly do you know anyone who has recorded an audio book? Maybe works in the podcast world and is used to recording and editing conversations? Please do let us know as recommendations make a huge difference and will help us ensure that these 100 Voices sound amazing!

You can find out more here

Becoming a sponsor

The Academy of Fab Stuff is a Community Interest Company whose sole purpose, since its inception on the 14th Feb 2015, is to share service improvements that work, to improve care within health and social care. Our focus is ensuring that people who have a service challenge or a QI project that needs to be completed don’t have to start with a blank piece of paper – they can search for solutions for free on the website and adapt for their own service area. Did you know that since 2015 that there have been over a million page views of the fabulous stuff people have shared.

So we have a question or two for you:

Could association with FabNHSStuff and its philosophy demonstrate your passion to support health and social care?

Do you want to develop or increase your brand awareness within health and social care ?

Would you like to expand your social media reach and engagement?

Do you want to be involved in focused regional events to drive your brand awareness along side our Fab Members?

Would you like to position yourself as the brand behind popular events such as FabTalks , bi monthly newsletters or Fab Awards Events?

Keen to partner and support NHS led initiatives?

If the answer to any of these questions is YES, then our flexible and varied advertising, sponsorship and partnering opportunities can meet your needs. We have a varied portfolio of sponsorship packages which will be bespoke to YOUR needs.

Drop us an email and let’s start the conversation to ensure we don’t reinvent the wheel, instead we reinvent the way WE work together .

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Wellness – the elephant in the room

This book is a collection of essays, ideas from around the globe and thoughts gathered together in an attempt to move-on the debate about the publics’ health. We think there is a difference between the publics’ health, public health and the nation’s wellness. We think wellness with all its nuances and complexities is the way forward to addressing the inevitable question; what happens when governments have emptied the public purse into the coffers of the NHS and the service still runs out of money. A must read from Ed Smith and Roy Lilley.

To download your free copy of the book HERE

100 Voices is a collaborative project connecting people and organisations improving healthcare in the UK

100 Voices is a collaborative project connecting people and organisations improving healthcare in the UK.  It is led by Dr Andrea Gibbons and championed by the Academy of Fabulous Stuff. The project is grateful for initial funding from the Q Community to help make it a reality! The logos of organisations collaborating with us on the project  so far are shown below. 

All organisations with an interest in the project are invited to join us as collaborators. We would also welcome input from individuals or organisations with experience of creating audio, electronic or physical books! Contact [email protected] to find out more!

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