YouTube channel: Carol Forde-Johnston Support and Career Development for Nurses

YouTube channel: Carol Forde-Johnston Support and Career Development for Nurses featured image

I have always been passionate about nurses’ career development, supporting and enabling individuals to thrive and progress in their career. During my own career I experienced many challenges, for example, I nearly left nursing in the 1980s when I was bullied on my first placement by a mentor who said: "you’ll never become a nurse." I also failed my nursing finals and it took three interviews before I was appointed as a Team Leader. 

However, once registered, some excellent managers and role models supported and guided my development. I went on to become a Neurology Ward Sister and Lecturer Practitioner. Having worked in the NHS for the last 37 years, I am now a successful author of two books that aim to support nurses' career progression, and I started a PhD in Nursing when I was 52, so it's never too late! 

With every challenge I have encountered during my career I have learnt something new that I have used to support others, for example, how not to treat students and staff, and the importance of career conversations and development plans to retain nurses. I often wonder how my career would have panned out without the support of those staff who were so influential and kind to me. What happens to nurses who are not as fortunate? 

All support workers, students, early career nurses and Nursing Associates deserve structured support, supervision and career development. Over the years I have been contacted by hundreds of students and registered nurses, who often ask the same questions regarding their career development and support. 

Nowadays, nurses have to navigate complex and challenging healthcare systems and several institutional websites when looking for information, which can cause confusion and frustration. It is evident that managers do not always have the time to professionally develop staff, or the knowledge to offer career advice, amid pressurised working environments. 

Therefore, I decided to set up my YouTube channel: ‘Carol Forde-Johnston Support and Career Development for Nurses’ to provide free videos that help to answer nurses’ questions. My YouTube videos offer simple, practical advice that is accessible to anyone, at any stage of their career.

Individuals accessing my videos range from people thinking about becoming a nurse to students, support workers, Nursing Associates, Newly Registered Nurses (NRNs), experienced nurses or senior nurses. 

There is something for everyone, whatever their career aspirations. Although my YouTube channel is in its infancy, the videos

have been positively received so far, and if one person is supported then it has done its job. 

In the future I hope to create a community where good practice can be shared through staff and student experiences and I am very happy for nurse managers and educators to share any video links to help their students or staff.

  • Acute
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute > Medicine > Nursing
  • Acute > Student Nurses
  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > Valuing your staff
  • Leadership and Management > education
  • Leadership and Management > Mentoring
  • FabChanges22to23
  • FabPledge
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