Youngsters cook up healthy meals

Youngsters cook up healthy meals featured image

Students from St Mark’s Primary School, in Natland, Kendal, took part in the school’s healthy eating competition which saw them cook their menus at the catering department at Westmorland General Hospital on (Tuesday 2 July).

The Year 2 students prepared and cooked a variety of healthy dishes, with help from the catering team, including homemade flatbread pizzas and chicken, tomato and red pepper kebabs and granola pots. Food made on the day was served to staff, volunteers and visitors.

The competition is part of the school’s healthy eating project run by Year 2 teachers Sarah Robinson and Justine Yarker, which teaches its students about different food groups, sugar swaps and the Change4Life project.

Tracy Litt, Catering Manager for University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust, attended the school in Kendal to help the children to devise a healthy menu.

This is the first year the school has taken part in the competition.

Tracy said: “It’s very important that we teach children about healthy eating from a young age and exercises like this encourage them to look at different types of food.

“It is also a great way for the catering staff at Westmorland General Hospital to inspire young people to cook and share that knowledge with their family and friends.”

Sarah Robinson said: “The children really value the time they have spent with the catering team at Westmorland General Hospital and today’s practical. They have loved designing their menus and doing the practical session today – it has been really valuable.”

Student Molly Hine, 7, added: “I have really enjoyed adding the healthy toppings to make the pizzas. All of the staff here have been really helpful and made the day really interesting.”

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