Watch this great new video from the event :
Click on the image below to read the full summary report from the event

A huge amount of preparation and strong relationship-building, working with community groups in Nottingham, went into the build up to this event and it was a plesure to work with the passionate organising team. A special shoutout to Dr Lisa Common, Consultant Midwife (NUH); Sam Errington, Project Manager (LMNS), Pavanpreet Bahra, Consultant Midwife (NUH); and Debrah Neale, Community Engagement and Innovation Matron.
There was huge attention to detail and a very warm welcome. As you will see, the room was very full, with a very diverse group, discussing really sensitive issues and listening respectfully. Lunch had been thoughtfully chosen, with a hot Indian themed plant-based buffet which catered for all dietary needs expressed by participants.
Although a bit outside the 'rules', we were quietly delighted that some people found the conversations so 'real' that they were texting friends to come and join us to have their say too!
There were some great conversations, and it is always good to hear some laughter too as people relax and relate to each other as fellow human beings, chatting to other parents and a wide mix of healthcare staff. #NoHierarchyJustPeople.
Carrie Lewis, our visual artist from New Possibilities got massive applause for her visual and verbal feedback of the key themes of the discussions as people recognised and celebrated the authenticity of the recording process.
A total of 30 pledges for action and 39 wishes were made by workshop participants. We look forward to seeing how attendees are supported to deliver these and make a positive difference to maternity care in Nottingham over the coming months.
There was an overwhelmingly positive response to the workshop, as written up by the team researchers in the in-depth report of the event. 97% of survey respondents expressed optimism that the event would lead to improvements in maternity care.
We are planning to put a summary of the report on the Fab NHS website, as we did for the Nottingham Whose Shoes home birth event earlier in the year.
It was particularly gratifying also to link in some wonderful resources from other NHS sites we have worked with, notably to show extracts from the 'It's OK to ask' set of films masterminded by Teri-Gavin Jones in the East of England and also to showcase the powerful 'Beyond the black face' poem written by Paulette Kerr and shared with her permission.
Watch this space as we further test and develop this new material in South West London, working with Kingston, Croydon, Epsom & St. Helier and St. George's maternity teams, co-ordinated by the the ICB.
These resources are not yet generally available but please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.
#MatExp #WhoseShoes