What is depression?

What is depression? featured image
Depression isn’t just about feeling sad. It can change to the way you feel and think, affect how your body functions and the way you behave.

It can be difficult to pinpoint when you started to become depressed, but there are some tell-tale triggers to look out for; such as issues at work, unemployment, money troubles, relationship stress or even dealing with a physical illness.

Depression affects everything from our behaviour to others, to the way we perceive and react to everyday events in our lives. Often it can become a vicious cycle.

Cycle of depression If you feel low all the time there is a high chance you have some form of depression. The cycle begins with feeling tired, appetite is affected (you may eat more or less than normal), concentrating becomes a struggle, you don’t enjoy things like you used to. You may stop seeing friends, take time off work, stop doing things around your home or spend more and more time in bed.

You may start to feel alone and cut off from loved ones and friends. It can feel like you’re letting people down, and feelings of guilt, inadequacy and various other triggers make the situation worse leading to more depression and anxiety, and so the cycle goes on.

Get Help No matter how impossible you feel your situation is – you can seek help.

Talking therapy is one of the most successful ways of breaking the cycle.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) works by helping you to understand the links between how you think and feel, how your body responds and behaves, and your low mood. It will teach you to challenge the negative thinking that’s keeping you stuck in the cycle of depression and help you break it.

Where to get help If you think you or someone you know may be affected by depression contact your GP or other health professional.

Download a Self Help Guide HERE. http://www.selfhelpguides.ntw.nhs.uk/merseycare/leaflets/selfhelp/Depression%20and%20Low%20Mood.pdf

Other Sites:

NHS Choices Depression

UK MIND advice on depression
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