What happens when two fab ambassadors meet at the fab awards 2018

What happens when two fab ambassadors meet at the fab awards 2018 featured image

What happens when two fab ambassadors meet at the fab awards 2018, we talked and it was great & #LetsTalk was born.

Leeanne and Jules share a passion of improving the care delivered to patients in our wonderful NHS & they also share a frustration, emails the amount they get daily, people who reply to all, Cc everyone and staff not putting their contact details on their email signature to allow us to ring them and have a conversation rather than sending yet another email.

Jules has been doing a no email Wednesday at work for many months now, she has found a 50% drop in her emails on a Wednesday her out of office is clear saying how staff can get hold of her as emails will not be looked at today. Wednesdays have become her favourite day, it’s a day where she visits more wards, departments than other days, visiting staff in their area & really listening to them is so much more worthwhile and effective than sending an email. Staff are encouraged to ring or come to see her, she is also encouraging others to do the same. However, one thing she has noticed by doing this is staff don’t make it easy for her to contact them, some staff don’t have telephone details on their email, its almost like they don’t want a call or visit, they want an email. Don’t get me wrong emails have their place. However, we believe we have become too reliant on them and have stopped talking to each other.

Please help us to talk again #LetsTalk please help us to share the message and encourage staff to talk again, communication is the key to everything we do, please share this lets make 2019 a year were we talk more and email less. 

Why not try #NoEmailWednesday or #FaceToFaceFriday call it what you like just make it happen.

Thank you for talking, it's powerful.

Leeanne Lockley and Jules Lewis Fab Ambassadors

  • Acute
  • Acute > Clinical Support
  • Acute > Clinical Support > Communication
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
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