What does the National Cancer Vanguard do?

Driving innovation in cancer care

Today, cancer survival rates are at their highest with more than half of those diagnosed living for at least ten years. But by 2020 it is estimated that more than one in two people will be affected by cancer. Even with some excellent cancer services in England, more needs to be done to improve cancer care, survival rates and patient experience. New models of care piloted by the Cancer Vanguard aim to do this.

Over the next five years, the goal is to radically improve patient outcomes and save thousands of lives every year.

Nationally, the Cancer Vanguard, which is led by The Christie, The Royal Marsden and University College London Hospitals, covers a population of over 10 million and has the overarching aim to introduce accountability for the whole patient pathway and population service planning and provision. It will ensure everyone receives the best care possible when and where they need it.

Locally, the three organisations will lead a local delivery system – Greater Manchester Cancer; RM Partners and UCLH Cancer Collaborative – which comprises health organisations in their area, including clinical commissioning groups, NHS acute trusts, community services and hospices, that will develop and trial new models to improve cancer care along the patient pathway.

It will do this by developing new models of care that are ambitious and transformational, and provide replicable models for cancer care nationally that will act as blueprints for the NHS. Its key objectives are to:
  • Improve rates of earlier diagnosis and detection
  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Reduce variation
  • Improve patient experience
The Cancer Vanguard will develop programmes to raise public awareness and work collaboratively with partners in education, health and social care to shift the focus towards prevention and early diagnosis, to provide a recovery package to aid those living with and beyond cancer and to greatly improve care at the end of life.

Placing patients at the heart of the work across whole organisational boundaries provides an opportunity to make a real difference in cancer care. The Cancer Vanguard will work with patient groups and patient representatives to ensure that they, their families and carers are meaningfully involved at every stage in shaping how the new system will work.

Working together across a whole pathway will provide huge benefits for patients and inspire people to work differently. It will make a real difference in the way resources are used, and enable clinicians to provide patients with the best cancer care available anywhere in the world.

You can find more information here  http://cancervanguard.nhs.uk/


For further information please contact Greg Stringer, Greater Manchester Cancer | Vanguard Innovation| gmcancervanguard.org | @GM_Ca_Vanguard
  • Vanguard
  • Cancer services
  • Innovation
  • #FabVanguardWeek
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Vanguard
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Acute > Medicine > Specialities
  • Acute > Medicine
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation > Innovation
  • Leadership and Management > Service Design/Innovation
  • Leadership and Management
  • Acute > #FabVanguardWeek
  • Community Services > #FabVanguardWeek
  • Community Services
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