There is no treatment for the condition so setting up supportive care arrangements is vital.
My wife's presentation fluctuates: generally in a downward direction.
I use my blog: to keep professional staff updated on Maureen's condition.
Monday post is always: 'Looking Back and Planning Ahead' - a reflection on the previous week,and an outline strategy for the next seven days.
This provides professional staff with an opportunity to comment on how things are going, and make suggestions about how to deal with changes in presentation. I keep in touch with paid carers through text. They receive up to date information on how Maureen has been since their last visit, and a briefing about what is needed before they arrive for their next call.
Our systems are in their infancy but they are helping us all to deal with the dynamic nature of Maureen's condition.
I would advise Care Partners who are dealing with dementia to consider how they might use New Technology to make life just a little easier for all concerned.