Using computer simulation to test impact of commissioning decisions

A computer simulation model is now available, designed to help commissioners and providers to predict the impacts of service changes before they are made.

The tool - called the Commissioning Simulation Model – has been launched by NHS England’s Long Term Conditions Year of Care Commissioning Programme, together with Simul8 Corporation, following testing with care economies around the country.

Powered by real-life data gathered from the programme, the tool calculates the health and social care costs for different groups of patients as they receive services.

Using the tool, you can model changes to the services patients receive, for instance to assess planned delivery with the way they are actually delivered in their locality, or to match the way they plan to change local services. This allows you to test the impact of current or planned services on resources including capacity – for example how many community beds or GP practices nurses are needed for a particular service change as well as finances.

The tool is available to download for free from the NHS IQ website (visit, while there is also an option to gain access to a more complex, chargeable version online via Simul8. On the website you can also find some user guides and a video guide to get you started. For more information on the tool, please visit or email [email protected].
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  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
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  • Leadership and Management > Delivering efficiency savings
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  • Commissioning and Procurement > Delivering efficiency savings
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