An update on Multispecialty Community Provider Vanguards - see a draft contract and make your comments and thoughts known

In July we published the multispecialty community provider (MCP) emerging care model and contract framework.


This framework signalled that we would make available a draft contract for MCPs and aspirant providers.


We are pleased to share a draft version of the contract, which you can view on the NHS England website. This draft Contract has been published for a period of informal feedback and we are inviting you to let us have your views on it.


Alongside the draft contract, and to assist those who are likely to use it early on, we are sharing a series of supporting, explanatory documents.


The draft MCP contract is the product of intensive joint work with a number of vanguards with whom we are co-developing the approach to ensure that the contract will help facilitate local plans. While the package focusses on implementation of the MCP model, many of the principles are transferable to other new models of care.


A revised version of the MCP contract will be published in early 2017 for initial use by vanguards, informing subsequent revision of it and a formal consultation during 2017.


We welcome your comments on the draft MCP contract and supporting documents by 20 January 2017. You can provide feedback here.


If you would like to discuss any areas raised in the contract, please contact us at [email protected].


Thank you for your ongoing support for the work of the new care models programme.


For more information about the work of the new care models programme and the vanguards, visit: Please also subscribe to our monthly stakeholder bulletin.
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