NHS Change Day at University Hospital of North Midlands

Anna Babic and Natasha Khan, Operational Service Managers, Oncology, Haematology, Medical Physics and Immunology at The Cancer Centre, share what University Hospital North Midlands did for NHS Change Day 2015.

106 - pic 9NHS Change Day was recently launched at University Hospital North Midlands in Stoke-on-Trent, and embraced across both hospital sites. On Change Day itself we set up Change Day hubs at the entrances of Royal Stoke and County Hospitals. It was a great day of conversations, ideas and recording amazing actions across the trust.

This year’s NHS Change Day asked for staff across the NHS to record actions they have either completed, started, or are ready to commit to. 183 actions were collected in the weeks leading up to, and on Change Day itself. These are being recorded electronically to share with NHS IQ and the national Change Day team. The actions are being themed and will be followed up, with the organisation development team keen to offer staff the support to take actions further.

In Staffordshire we have been in the process of change for some time, and have experienced huge organisational change within recent months. We used NHS Change Day as a platform for staff to be part of this change and to have the opportunity to share all scale of changes. The day was a celebration of the positive changes that have resulted from the actions staff have already taken, and for others it was a chance to take the first step in committing to change.

The University Hospital North Midland’s Cancer Centre’s Fresh Hair salon shared its story for #100DaysofChange. You can read their story at changeday.nhs.uk/story53.

Below are some photos from NHS Change Day at University Hospital North Midlands.

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