UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network Awards

Great practice in Parkinson’s care is already happening.

The UK Parkinson’s Excellence Network wants to celebrate it and make it standard for everyone.

Spread the word and help make it happen:

• Enter your service into the awards by 28 October if your team delivers high-quality care that makes a difference to people affected by Parkinson’s.

• Or nominate a colleague by 30 September for an award if they deserve recognition for the care they deliver to people with Parkinson’s.

Entries are now open:
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
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