Transformation by Social Media

Transformation by Social Media featured image

The Better Births team in Lincolnshire have been using Social networking sites to give individuals a voice, enabling people to link with others who are having similar experiences and effectively help initiate change within institutions.

This intervention has supported new mothers, in a world where women are becoming pregnant away from their families, who feel isolated and cut off from support networks to have their voice heard and be part of the transformation of their services.

For those mothers in the remote and rural areas of Lincolnshire whose access is limited to expert advice, making use of our social media and recommended NHS sites has the potential to lessen the strain on services .

We now use these technologies to support our work in Lincolnshire

Website – 'Better Births Lincolnshire‘ information for families to enable them to make choices around their pregnancy, links to service providers and national documents

Facebook page – ‘Better Births Lincolnshire’ with a following of 1340 and regular views of over 1000 per day. Live events attract viewing in the 1000's. We also have a Facebook page for Lincolnshire Maternity Voices linked to the main page

Twitter page - Better Birth Lincs now has 655 followers and has been a useful tool to engage with professional across the system

Instagram the newest of our sites has 382 followers.

The use of technology has given us a great reach to the families of Lincolnshire and enabled more people to have their say in the future.

  • Acute
  • Acute > Family Care
  • Acute > Family Care > Maternity
  • Acute > Family Care > UltimateULHT
  • Acute > Family Care > Digital inclusion
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