Tools to address Bullying and undermining in O&G

Further to Ron Lilley's piece on bullying in the NHS, I thought you would like more information about two freely available resources developed by the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists to try and address this problem, as it is a well-known phenomenon in O&G.

1) The Undermining Toolkit, jointly developed with the Royal College of Midwives, is a free comprehensive resource providing links to information and resources to help tackle undermining behaviour in the workplace.

It is aimed at trainees, members, fellows, midwives, nurses and GPs and is also applicable to other specialties at an individual as well as a trust and strategic level.

The toolkit is multi-disciplinary as undermining and bullying behaviour is a problem across all healthcare professions.

The resource is divided into sections that can all be accessed and used independently.

The sections are: Strategic interventions Unit/trust/local education provider interventions Departmental/team interventions Individual interventions (for both the victim and perpetrator)

The toolkit includes advice on what to do if someone is experiencing bullying or undermining and on how to prevent it in within the department or workplace.

The toolkit also provides information about successful workshops that have been run in maternity departments and by deaneries to help raise awareness and promote changes in behaviour


2) The Improving Workplace Behaviour eLearning tutorials use case studies and assessments that help individuals recognise bullying behaviours and their response to them, including the influence of culture and external factors.

The effect on patient care and education is highlighted, and practical ways of overcoming these behaviours explored.

Knowing how to give feedback is an important part of workplace behaviour and has its own tutorial.
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Training
  • Psychological Flexibility
  • Visible leadership
  • The Rosa Parks Award
  • Staff/role initiatives
  • Valuing your staff
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Acute > Training
  • Leadership and Management > Training
  • Primary Care > Training
  • Community Services > Training
  • Mental Health > Training
  • Social Care > Training
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Training
  • Mental Health > Psychological flexibility
  • Leadership and Management > Visible leadership
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > staff/role initiatives
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > Valuing your staff
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