Wollaston, Stourbridge - Patients of the 3 Villages Medical Practice involved in a Patient Participation Group decided to host a simple tea party. 10 people came along for a cup of tea, cake and a chat.
It soon outgrew the space and now brings together over 50 older people once a month, some of whom are isolated.
This project started with nothing but enthusiasm, the GP Practice provides tea and coffee and the activity is fuelled by homemade cake which people bring to share.
As more people started to attend the tea parties, 3 Villages PPG decided to use its PPG Purse money to pay room hire for a bigger space and to provide sandwiches.
The project has now also received donations so that people can go on some trips.
A school choir has been involved, the local mayor and wife, a speaker from Age UK and people have now asked for a gardener to come and talk to them with growing tips.
What difference is it making?
The tea party is a way for isolated older people to build new friendships.
The 80+ year olds have started turning up dressed more smartly. T
hey have become aware of shared experiences and challenges without being confined to a group which defines them primarily in relation to a condition.
Some women who have experienced the same surgery have found each other and made strong connections.
Two older people who live on the same street but didn’t know each other have met and now one looks after the other.
The tea party is a way for isolated older people to build new friendships, share experiences and challenges.
Find our more, contact Steve Sharples, Chair of 3 Villages PPG Email: [email protected]