The Life Rooms

The Life Rooms featured image

Everybody is different. Hopes and goals are different, plans are individual.

What people want could be really simple

- get back to college or work, sort out money issues or find people who share interests.

Visiting the Life Rooms or joining our Recovery College can be the first step for people to look at their needs, hopes and strengths and what they want to happen in the future. Mersey Care's centres for learning, recovery, health and wellbeing that can help. One at the former Carnegie library in Liverpool and a new Life Rooms in Southport.

The buildings are a base for a range of life opportunities for service users, carers and the wider community.

Services provided :

• An employment and enterprise hub to help people get back to work, through volunteering opportunities and further education

• Literacy, numeracy and IT skills provided for service users in a safe environment

• Information about physical and mental wellbeing, advice on money, housing and community services

• A library for learning and health and wellbeing

• Classrooms for people who want to come our wide range of courses and workshops

• Meeting spaces for community groups

• A free IT suite for everyone to use.

We welcome and encourage people to co-produce with us.

Recovery College course are designed to provide our students with information about their health, illness and understanding conditions. We aim to promote hope and opportunity to all whilst exploring new experiences.

We openly invite staff and others with professional experience, as well as people with lived experience of health challenges, to come forward and co-produce unique, recovery focused courses with us.

By working in partnership with other organisations, we are able to offer more learning opportunities to Recovery College students. We work closely with our partners to deliver positive, specialised courses. Our relationships assist us in providing a varied and experienced offer to our students.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss working with Recovery College and the Life Rooms. Contact Us
  • Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health Services
  • Resilience
  • Acute > Fabulous Stuff
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Fabulous Stuff
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Fabulous Stuff
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Fabulous Stuff
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Fabulous Stuff
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Fabulous Stuff
  • Commissioning and Procurement
  • Mental Health > Mental Health Services
  • Mental Health > Resilience
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