The impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on Enfield people’s health and wellbeing

The impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on Enfield people’s health and wellbeing featured image

During May and June, over 190 local people told us about how Coronavirus and ‘lockdown’ has impacted their health and wellbeing, including over 40 young adults.

We have used the feedback we received to publish two reports with recommendations to commissioners about how they can support Enfield people.

We recognise the challenges that health and care services will face in delivering “normal” services alongside looking after individuals with Coronavirus, as well as the potential rise in demand with already overstretched services working to full capacity. In preparing for the future it will be important to take note of key messages from local residents. There is a clear need to better communicate and manage people’s expectations around access to and availability of services, especially when it comes to the management of long term conditions.

Even though the Coronavirus outbreak has impacted everyone, many people have experienced this in different ways. Almost one in three local people told us that the main issues impacting them were problems relating to their mental health and/or not socialising, seeing family and friends and feeling isolated. Individuals told us about the difficulties they had not doing their usual activities and following their normal routines. Young adults told us about the worries they have surrounding the uncertainty around school and university. Local people told us that they are also struggling with accessing health care, despite messages from the NHS stating that individuals should get medical advice if they are worried about their health. Half the people we spoke to, told us that they have experienced changes to their healthcare during the Coronavirus outbreak.

You can download both our reports from our website:

  • Acute
  • Acute > Patient Experience
  • Acute > Patient Safety
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health > Resilience
  • Campaigns
  • Campaigns > CV-19
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