The Hartley Larkin Award

The Hartley Larkin Award featured image

NHS Emergency Care Intensive Support Team

2015-11-29 16.32.04

The SAFER patient flow bundle – A set of simple rules that, if followed routinely, will help improve patient flow, patient experience and reduce length of stay across adult inpatient wards in acute hospitals.

On the night of May 7th 1765 Hartly Larkin, a dockyard foreman at Chatham marine docks was deeply troubled. HMS Victory was to be launched the next morning and was 9.5 inches wider than the dock exit. Acting entirely on initiative, he convened a gathering of shipwrights and carpenters who set to work cutting away the docks timbers. Larkin and his team, quite simply, had done what needed to be done. This award is for a team who has echoed this concept in a project.

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