The Future's Fabulous

Doesn’t time fly when you are having fun with fabulous people?

It’s hard to believe we launched just over 3 months ago, and it’s fair to say you have made the last 3 months absolutely fabulous.

In just a few weeks over 110,000 of you have visited our pages and you’ve posted more than 150 fab ‘shares’ – great stuff that works. You have voted and commented on posts and participated in the monthly awards process (the May shortlisted shares can be found here , please take a moment to vote). So a huge Thank You from us.

imageFabNHSStuff is your social community, sharing great stuff to make more great stuff happen. You are a social movement showing that working together, learning from each other and being proud about the great stuff you do everyday is the future and you are making FabNHSStuff a repository of fab ideas that work – how great is that? And its your participation that makes the difference. By registering on the website you can 5* vote for the shares that have been posted (its these 5* votes which form the monthly awards shortlist). If you are registered you can also comment directly on each share, ask for further information or ask questions. But it doesn’t stop there, once registered you have the opportunity to direct message any of the registered fab people, making contacts, asking for help and information and generally getting to know people. We have created two specific pages to help with this; Nursery and Wish List.

The Nursery Page   is an opportunity to share stuff that you are working on, you haven’t quite finished, or maybe its not working as you had hoped. So if you get stuck and need some ideas to finish off a project, post them here. You can discuss the issues and ask for help/collaboration to solve the problem. The Wish List Page   is a space for you to ask for solutions to an issue, ask if others have experienced the same challenges and how they resolved them?

imageYou can participate in both pages by sharing in the normal way here  and upload your conundrum, half completed project or question - just include either Nursery or Wish List in the title and it will be posted on the appropriate page – go on what have you got to loose? The missing piece of your jigsaw might just a share away.

Our Links page  has also grown and there are many new resources for you to browse at your leisure.

So whats next?

We have some new pages for you today, with many more planned in the near future. Today you can see our three new fabulous ‘Walls’.

We have The Wall of Thank Yous   Yes you all have them, take a picture because what you do everyday matters and it should be celebrated. So go on, get your phones out, take a snap and share it here  with the heading ThankYou and we will make a Wall you can all be proud of.

The Wall of Fab Sharers and Supporters is all about you

Got a FabNHSStuff badge or card? Then please send us a selfie, about to share some great stuff send us a selfie of you and your computer screen. Doing something great at a meeting and talking about Fabstuff? Send us a selfie. Yes, you get the picture, we want a FabNHSStuff family photograph album. So you know what to do, share your picture here with the heading FabNHSStuff supporter and we will make a photo Wall of Fabness.

The Wall of Endorsements

Your collaboration, fab shares and participation have caught the attention of many people. The great and the good are writing about the power of sharing and we will be posting their thoughts over the next few weeks. Today we start with the thoughts of Simon Stevens, Chief Executive NHS England on the power of sharing and working together and you can read it here .

So here’s looking forward to the next three fabulous months.

imageThank you for your collaboration, support and sharing, you’re fabulous. Let us know what you would like to see in the future, tell us how you want your social movement to work. Send us your ideas and keep sending in your fab stuff.

Please keep participating, sharing and commenting and lets make FabNHSStuff a social movement that is the first port of call for finding great service ideas, solutions to common challenges and inspiration from each other. Lets continue to work smarter by working together.

The Future is Fabulous.

Roy Lilley, Terri Porrett, Jon Wilks    June 2015




  • News
  • Roy's Blog
  • Together we can
  • Acute > Together we can
  • Acute
  • Leadership and Management > Together we can
  • Leadership and Management
  • Primary Care > Together we can
  • Primary Care
  • Community Services > Together we can
  • Community Services
  • Mental Health > Together we can
  • Mental Health
  • Social Care > Together we can
  • Social Care
  • Commissioning and Procurement > Together we can
  • Commissioning and Procurement
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