Did you miss this FabChange21 Festival Poets Corner Tent?
Well this is your opportunity to catch up and watch at your leisure.
You can watch the video here
This is a summary of the Tent chat:
What does poetry mean to you?
- Poetry for me is a good way to reflect on my experiences and what I want to do going forward.
- I enjoy a bit of a creative buzz, not something i usually do as a doctor writing a poem so it’s fun but also thought provoking
- The first poem emphasises the need for meaningful daytimes in care homes and the second, reminds us to look at what we do through the eyes of the people we serve.
- I think having a mix of poems and scenarios has led to some great discussion during our WhoseShoes events. I enjoyed writing a couple of poems myself too!

Silly Rhymes:
- I guess my attempts at poetry are silly rhymes and it's fun for me to write them. Spike Milligan was one of my I do’s.
- Rachel the book is fabulous and such a great idea, everyone contributing means they have buy in and interest in the story. that is also how quality improvement needs to be people of all backgrounds, and walks of life working together
- silly rhymes are the best we had someone write a wonderful limerick in our mind and body project
- Have just realised Lilly rhymes with silly so will get my thinking hat on.
- it also rhymes with Caerphilly which is a bit cheesey
- You take the biscuit.
- I am now thinking of mice! all this talk of cheese and biscuits
- I'll drink to that... Hovis, it's terrific toasted.
- biscuit rhymes with risk it
- Throw away the rule books....risk it for a biscuit!
The Power of Poetry & The Little Things are the Big Things:
- The little things are the big things, so go the extra mile. The best way to make someone's day, is to leave them with a smile
- I know this may sound silly; but I'm in awe of Mr Lilley,
- My Youngest daughter's middle name is the name of the midwife that took care of me throughout my labour
- Little things are the big things/At least that's what they say/But big things only get little, when you're far away/The closer you get/The more you can bet/You'll do better/Know better/See better/...in every way!
- The Blonde
- Being creative
- Thats lovely Dani and will be something that gives the midwife pleasure that she did a good job; like the poem Roy :-)
- I'm sorry I'm late joining...I've written a poetry book about the pandemic which helped me to cope with being a physician and be a 'normal' mum and wife..
- That sounds amazing Helen - is it available on Amazon etc?
- Book Here: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Reflections-through-Waves-Poems-Pandemic/dp/1838069291/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Helen+Lane+poetry&qid=1638219335&sr=8-1
- That’s an amazing story of poetry writing giving you an outlet and expression of emotion and ability to unload your feelings
- wow incredible work Helen a wonderful story thank you for sharing
- Thank you for sharing, Helen, that was an incredible story
- permission to be human and cry is so important
- Validating other’s emotions and thoughts can be really powerful
- I'm no good at links...it’s called Reflections through the waves and is on Amazon
- I love that, thank you Rachael
- That’s fab Rachel
- such talent love it Carol
- I love that
- Brilliant; very poignant
Thank You’s:
- Thank you Gill et al, what a great session
- Fantastic poems!
- Ace event in a tent and powerful poetry
- thank you
- Thank you I have loved the the Tent 5 experience!
- I need to disappear too....thanks all !