Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is hosting a Health and Wellbeing Roadshow to promote and raise awareness of the activities and services available to staff.
The aim of the health and wellbeing team is to provide access to activities and sessions to support staff who have extremely busy jobs providing care or services for our patients. The health and wellbeing team organise numerous activities such as walking challenges, craft sessions and yoga, as well as psychological wellbeing sessions and mindfulness classes.
The Health and Wellbeing Roadshow will take place from Monday 10th to Friday 14th September and will involve the health and wellbeing team travelling across the hospitals to showcase what is on offer to staff in terms of health checks, exercise classes and walking clubs, mindfulness classes and more. The team will also be seeking staff views about what other initiatives and services they would like to see on offer.
The roadshow will engage with staff using three key elements:
• Health and wellbeing on tour; including ward visits, mindfulness taster sessions and stress buster sessions
• Advertised health and wellbeing sessions at various locations, including health checks, MetaFit and Pilates tasters and flu vaccinations
• A health and wellbeing fair – a full day of information stands and activities for staff to access including a static bike challenge, an NHS choir, library services information, recipe for wellbeing competition, Quit Squad smoking cessation information and much more.
Jayne Russell, Health and Wellbeing Project Coordinator at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, said: “We’re really looking forward to speaking with staff on different wards and departments to share what we do and what we have available for our staff. We have a huge variety and growing number of activities provided by our health and wellbeing team which we try to organise so that as many staff can attend as possible, and we feel that they are hugely beneficial to our staff.”
“Health and wellbeing is extremely important to us at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals to ensure that our staff are receiving the best support possible from us. Our staff have very busy jobs and sometimes have to deal with difficult situations at work, so we aim to provide calming activities, encourage them to look after their own wellbeing and support them in their day to day jobs.”
Taking health and wellbeing ‘on the road’
- Acute
- Acute > Clinical Support
- Acute > Clinical Support > Staff Wellbeing