Swap Shop

Swap Shop featured image

Swap Shop is a work shadowing opportunity that offers observation and supervised hands-on experience designed by the host, to enable the participant to get the real feel of the environment and the work/situations dealt with by the host placement on a typical day.

Services/teams will be given the opportunity to act as a host placement offering a specified amount of time to an individual to shadow them and learn more about that service/team of interest. 

This will give the individual the opportunity to find out if the department they are being hosted in would be a possible option for the career change, should the individual want to leave the current department they are working in.

The opportunity is currently open to staff in support roles but there is scope to expand this.


Swap Shop offers many benefits to both individuals and the organisation such as:
• Aiding communication across departments
• Encouraging continuous improvement
• Helps the breaking down of internal barriers across the organisation
• Providing an opportunity for ‘host’ areas to share best practice and allow attendees opportunity for self-development and reflection
• Allowing individuals to explore other areas and deepen their understanding in a unique individualised opportunity, which could support a career change in the trust
• Better understanding of the organisation
• Exploring future career possibilities
• Overall staff retention in the trust.
• Growing a multiskilled multidisciplinary team.
• Supporting Staff applying for Apprenticeships, exposing them more to the chosen profession of study.

Here is some of the feedback we have received from staff who have been on a swap shop
“A wonderful experience with extraordinary passionate staff making a difference to these service users lives, no matter how big or small the intervention was, noticing the skilful way the staff engaged with these service users in this service and how this built therapeutic relationships and good rapport which undoubtedly resulted in great care and support.”

“I really enjoyed the opportunity to observe and support the Community Nursery Nurses in the Health Visiting team and see what happens on a day-to-day basis within their role.”

“Enjoyable experience the staff were very friendly and informative”.

“Massive thank you to all involved in allowing me to take part in the Swap Shop”

“I really enjoyed the experience and learnt so much in the short space of time I was with you. It was brilliant to see how appreciative the service users were when attending your service and seeing what a difference it made to their everyday life with your involvement and support.I came away feeling proud, that we had such a brilliant service within our trust'

You can read and download the project report HERE

Click on the image below to download the poster


  • Acute
  • Acute > Training
  • Leadership and Management
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance
  • Leadership and Management > Quality and Performance > Valueing service feedback
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce
  • Leadership and Management > Workforce > Valuing your staff
  • FabAwards
  • #FabAwards23PrizeGiving
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