Taking over Skipton House for NHS Change Day...

Skipton HouseNHS Change Day is about everyone being able take an action that makes a positive change for health and social care. That includes administrative staff, and those who work in the many organisations that help run and support the NHS. On Wednesday 11 February, with exactly one month to go, NHS Improving Quality, which includes the team who support NHS Change Day, will be hosting a day long event at Skipton House, where many of the organisations the support the service are based. The day is both intended to promote the concept of NHS Change Day to these staff, and bring frontline NHS staff into the building to explain the value of Change Day. Our ‘takeover’ event will feature a number of doctors, nurses and other NHS staff from a range of disciplines given the opportunity to talk about their experiences directly to staff based at Skipton House. We haven’t seen anything quite like this in the building – although we’re all working towards similar goals you’d never know it as every team and organisation is siloed into their own floor or area. Even suggesting doing something for the entire building is quite a novelty. Already, the planning and initial promotion about the event has created interested from lots of different people in the building. We’ll be using social media to update what is happening through the day and we hope as many people from Skipton House are able to join us. If you can’t join us in person, follow us on @nhschangeday.
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