Staff 'swap shop'

For NHS Change Day 2014, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust pledged to shadow - and be shadowed by - a member of staff from a different department. They called this, ‘the staff swap shop.’ Over 200 people from across the organisation joined this action.

Carolyn Johnston, a consultant anaesthetist, saw the benefits of music listening to enhance the patient experience and raise mood, and Sarah Weatherall, live arts co-ordinator and part of the Art’s St George’s team, witnessed a transplant operation. This is what they had to say:

I’m so glad I signed up for the swap – it really cheers me to know we are thinking holistically about our patient’s wellbeing and I found myself humming Moon River for the rest of the day!” – Carolyn

I observed a four hour operation where Carolyn had to keep the patient warm, breathing and with the adequate amount of pain killer and anaesthetic. Observing the effects of the transplant, with such major human outcomes, achieved on a scale of millimetres was a profound experience which I’ll never forget.” – Sarah

Sarah and Carolyn reflected on what they had learned about their experience last year. Sarah tends to work with patients who have been in the hospital for over 28 days and Carolyn spends most of her time with patients who are not conscious. The swap shop allowed both Carolyn and Sarah to see more of the patient journey and recognise the holistic care that is provided in the Trust.

  • 100 Days of Change
  • Campaigns > Change Day 2015
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