Specialist sepsis training

Specialist sepsis training featured image
Staff at Burton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are receiving specialist training to spot the signs of the potentially life-threatening condition. Sepsis.

The training has so far identified 11 patients who had signs of the condition allowing them to receive the appropriate care immediately.

Sepsis is the biggest cause of inpatient deterioration in hospitals and arises when the body’s response to an infection starts to injure its own tissue and organs.

So far, staff on three wards at Burton-on-Trent’s Queen’s Hospital have been trained to spot signs of the condition after the programme was launched in line with new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance last month.

The training is being delivered by Quality Support Nurses Carla Golding and Kate Douglas. Carla said: “Every year around 44,000 people die from sepsis so it is imperative that our staff know more about the condition. The training package has been warmly received by our staff and feedback has been very positive. “The plan now is to commence training across further wards to ensure as many of our staff as possible are aware of this condition. As well as the wards, we have also rolled this in emergency areas, while training in the maternity unit is on-going.” The training equips staff to recognise sepsis and initiate rapid treatment and aims to get clinical staff to ‘think sepsis’.
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