We believe that people with mental health conditions are so much more than their condition and each have a unique set of talents, insights and ideas. Together we challenge, campaign and act to help Sheffield become a more mental health friendly city which truly values people with mental health conditions.
You can listen to our audio manifesto and find out more the purpose of Sheffield Flourish in video here: http://sheffieldflourish.co.uk/aboutus/
Sheffield Flourish is led by Recovery Enterprises in partnership with Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT, the University of Sheffield and Human Studio (a global digital design company which works with clients like MTV and Swatch).
Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS FT provide financial and in-kind resources such as office space, networks, engagement routes and leadership support.
Sheffield Flourish content is largely produced by people living with mental health conditions who volunteer as Creative Content Producers. They go out into communities, find and produce inspiring stories about people and activities in our city.
We have also begun to engage and train digital ambassadors who are beginning to go to waiting rooms, community venues and events to help people go online and begin to use Sheffield Flourish and related digital resources as part of their recovery.
We have included supportive information on our site about being safe online including links to resources about suicidal content and using social media and train our digital ambassadors to be able to share this information as part of their digital inclusion activities. We have also begun to co-host real life events which we link to monthly campaigns and feature stories, e.g. Mental health history (Sept) and Creative Arts (Oct) and partner with other digital organisations and initiatives such as #HappySheffield http://www.happysheffield.co.uk/
We have already produced over 30 inspiring stories told in different innovative ways including films like Ben’s Story
slam poetry like http://sheffieldflourish.co.uk/stories/dear-cosmo-a-spoken-word-poem/ by Lucy
written poetry like http://sheffieldflourish.co.uk/stories/psychosis/ by James
and short posts like http://sheffieldflourish.co.uk/stories/the-mental-health-benefits-of-playing-pokemon-go/ from Pixie.
Around 180 people got involve in shaping and building Sheffield Flourish and over 500 people have engaged online and nearly 500 people are following us on twitter.
We already have 19 volunteers who are Steering Group members, Creative Content Producers, Contributors, Editing Panel members and Digital Ambassadors.
Despite limited financial resources and having only launched late July 2016 we have already had very positive feedback locally and from people and organisations as far away as Adelaide expressing an interest in our innovative approach to creating more mental health friendly communities!
Follow us on twitter @shefflourish and check out our website at www.sheffieldflourish.co.uk