Last year I promised as a fab ambassador to do one share a month for 12 months I have almost completed my pledge.
However, I won't be stopping any time soon & wanted one share to be about sharing as sharing is caring.
Not only have we at SaTH been able to introduce some fab ideas we have seen on the Academy of Fabulous Stuff such as End of Life Care Volunteers and pop up swan rooms, such ideas have shown us what good looks like and now we want to do it even better.
I have shared many of our SaTH fab improvements in End of Life Care, such as our Swan Scheme adapted from the Swan Bereavement Model Fiona Murphy being the creator.
At SaTH we have put our own Shropshire spin on it calling it the swan scheme with swan memory boxes with contents for expected deaths, swan paper bags & contents for unexpected deaths, swan rooms, the swan fund, relative vouchers, message card and so much more.
Staff from other Hospitals have been in touch weekly asking about our improvements in mouth care and the swan scheme and yes it means a bit more work for me. However, if it means that one more person/relative gets the support they need at the hardest of times & staff feel more empowered to do their best it's worth it. Please share your fab stuff for others to see and learn from your experiences.
So with #FabChange70 coming soon remember together we can make a real difference to patients, relative and staff experience. Thank you Jules Lewis Lead Nurse EOLC at SaTH @juleslewis6