On the ward we needed to display lots of information . We found we were putting multiple posters up around the ward on bay doors day room doors and notice all often displaying the same information.

For example we had 6 posters in different places around the ward asking relatives if they would ensure that they brought day clothes in for their relatives to wear to aid their rehabilitation. This looked messy on the ward and when we stood back it also looked quite confusing for the patients
We decided to develop a 'On Scotter Ward we.....board where all information such as our regular tea parties, the fact that we support John Campaign and are members of the Butterfly scheme, that we provide sleep packs to help patients get a good nights sleep to how our nurses wear red aprons to stop them being disturbed when undertaking medication rounds ....to name a few, were all in one place.
This has been placed in a prominent place just as the visitors come into the ward and right outside the day room.
It has proved to be a very popular board with patients and relatives often gathering around it to read.
It has also been well received when shared on our twitter page so we have decided to share wider.
On Scotter ward we........